All participants heading to the range MUST fill out a waiver
prior to being assigned a range bay.
If you do not have your own, we offer free eye and ear protection rental.
▶ Eye and Ear protection are required at all times!
▶ Obey the commands of Range Safety Officer staff at all times
▶ All firearms must be transported unloaded and in a case
▶ Always treat firearms as if they are loaded
▶ Never point the muzzle at anything you are not willing to destroy
▶ Finger off the trigger until your sights are aligned and on target
▶ Always keep the firearm action open and unloaded when not firing
▶ It is your responsibility to know how to properly use and operate your firearm(s)
▶ No firing from a kneeling or prone position, Standing Only
▶ Shotguns are NOT permitted on the range
▶ Maximum of two people per lane, unless authorized by staff
▶ Only one person per lane may fire at any time
▶ No incendiary, tracer rounds or black powder firearms are permitted. A fine will result
▶ No drawing or firing from a holster unless previously qualified by Triple J Armory RSO staff
▶ All casing and uncasing of firearms must be done in the stall
▶ All loading and unloading of firearms must be done in the stall. Magazines may be loaded at the rear tables
▶ Do not shoot the range equipment, walls, floors, ceiling or baffles. A fine will result
▶ Firearms may not be exchanged between lanes
▶ Shooting under the influence of alcohol or drugs is strictly prohibited
▶ No food, drink, gum or tobacco products are permitted
▶ Report any injury to staff immediately
▶ Any and all unsafe behavior will result in dismissal from the range
▶ Alert the Range Safety Officer if you desire to collect your brass